Category: Pub race


Posted by admin on April 3, 2010 | No comments
Old image of Burgas' beach
Стария бургаски плаж със старите бургаски гларуси :)

Он’я ден си говорихме с един приятел, как простотията по крайбрежната ивица на Бургас като, че ли е поголовна.

С огромно съжаление установихме, че на плажа вместо да ти мирише на море и пясък и солена вода ти смърди на цаца и бира и пържени картофи с невероятния привкус на нещастните опити на небезизвестна силиконова чалга звезда да пее в близката кръчма.

Имаше навремето един капан Адам и Ева се казваше – точно срещу стария капан на Димо ( който вече не е на Димо). Тоя капан изгорял преди 2 седмици. Някви си говорили “ей тоя ши го запаля м… ” и на следващата вечер изгорял. С лека насмешка установих, че изгарянето на този капан е отворило гледка директно към морето, както беше навремето. Но… точно до изгореното са почнали пак да строят “нещо”, което сигурно ще е поредния капан.

Тея хора направо срутиха всичкия романтизъм на мястото. Сещам се едно време, колко много млади хора се събираха на това място с китари да свирят и да пеят (повечето и да пият) и как на един Джулай аз и още няколко приятели прибирайки се в 8:30 сутринта с възмущение установихме, че има някаква барака, на която свирят техно (само да отбележа освен тая барака на плажа друго нямаше), и имаше и някакви хора, които въпреки, че видимо бяха изморени все още се полюшваха в такт с “песента”. Та доброто старо време беше доброто старо време… минало необратимо ..

В момента на плажа има само 3 свестни заведения:

* стария капан a.k.a ей оня капан белия в началото на капани

* Poco Locco – това заведение въобще не може да бъде категоризирано като капан и не може да бъде съпоставено с никое друго по бургаската плажна ивица – за бога вътре има тоалетна, в която не мирише на тоалетна и ходят да свирят разни хора като Джеф Скот Сото (Jeff Scott  Soto) и Кен Хенсли и неговия приятел русичкия Джон Лоутън (на който имахме удоволствието да се насладим да слушаме за скромната сума от 12 лева в летния театър миналата година)

* Карибите – Ей он’я сламения бар с лампичките.. Това е най-доброто лятно заведение в Бургас по мое скромно мнение. Олицетворява напълно духа на бургаския плаж пускат един и същи диск с някакви кубински музики (нищо против) и си седнал почти директно на пясъка.. Цените също са сносни – миналата година един коктейл струваше приблизително 5лева, което си е нормална цена стига да си намериш къде да седнеш. Като недостатък може да се счита наличието единствено на еко тоалетна, но това е лесно преодолимо тъй като на има няма 10 метра отсреща е капана с най-advanced технологичната тоалетна по брега – пускаш 20 стотиники и ти се отваря вратата – малко като “Сезам, отвори се” ама по-материално..

Completely out of existance….. Where the fuck is Yanko, man :D

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Music all over the place

Posted by admin on March 31, 2010 | No comments

Hey yaaaaaaaaaaa,

i know it’s been a while since  i last wrote but a lot of things have been happening around me.

First of all i would like to share my deepest excitement about the bands that are going to visit Bulgaria this year.

As some of you might know the festival Spirit of Burgas, was quite an event for the Boring (with capital B) town Bourgas can be at times.

Last year’s performances on the sand of the beach in the wonderful black sea coast rocked the stage from dust till dawn.

Yeah, Faith No More had a rocking time with the audience but their performance wasn’t as good as the one of Fun Lovin’ Criminals or the PERFECT germans (as a friend of mine would say “Ja ja Gustav, macht es schneller”) from De Phazz.

In  general the performances were ok.  Then followed Madonna, MetallicA, Guano Apes (another kick-ass band from Germany).

As far as i heard Madonna was a very huge event… which was not unexpected. Come on, we all know that if there’s a star in this world that can make you not hear the way she’s singing, that would be Madonna.

Anyways… enough for last year…

What’s up for this year’s music events – just a few names:
1. Rammstein – i guess there isn’t a band in Bulgaria or throughout Europe in general (if not in the whole world) that can make such an impact with the audience as Rammstein do!

2. MetallicA – good “old” metal monsters. They will be visiting Bulgaria for the 3rd time and i’m sure they still have much more to show to us.

3. Heaven&Hell

4. Slayer ! YAY! A couple of friends from the UK will be coming especially for this gig!

5. Alice in Chains the only thing you can say about them is
Heaven beside you… Hell within
And you think you have it still, heaven inside you

6. Megadeth

The above six will be part of the Sonicsphere festival that’s going to happen in Sofia, Vasil Levski stadium on June 22 – June 23, 2010.

So Sofia, be prepared…

We are still all awaiting patiently for the names that will rock the stage of Spirit of Burgas (some of us already know them but promised not to tell this before the official announcement)… THEREFORE i’m just going to give you a small hint:

I’ve got sunshine in a bag, and I’m useless, but not for long, cuz my futures, comin on.

or this one

Change my pitch up…..Smack my bitch up

Anyways i didn’t really say who that is … i know the rest of the names as well but these i will hold for me until the end of This week.

Take care guys – hopefully i’ll write in the near future again :)

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Harlem Gospel Choir in Bourgas

Posted by admin on November 15, 2009 | No comments

3 days ago i went to a concert i considered would be a nice-not-as-religious-as-it-was-experience. Honestly, i’m a little disappointed, Harlem Gospel Choir… it was ok, but it wasn’t what i exepcted. I am amused how “church” music can be so “disrespectful” to the audience that is listening to it.

The event was held in the Hall of the Burgas Opera and here are some photos from it:
Harlem Gospel Choir in the Opera Hall, Bourgas, Bulgaria Harlem Gospel Choir in the Opera Hall, Bourgas, Bulgaria Harlem Gospel Choir in the Opera Hall, Bourgas, Bulgaria
Harlem Gospel Choir in the Opera Hall, Bourgas, Bulgaria Harlem Gospel Choir in the Opera Hall, Bourgas, Bulgaria Harlem Gospel Choir in the Opera Hall, Bourgas, Bulgaria

Hey, i don’t mind them, this is a choir very popular and maybe very commercial with their performances with Michael Jackson, but i think they could be much much much better. And it sounds to me pretty unserious to praise God in such a commercial way… no offense to their audience and fans – this is just my opinion. My understanding of church music is this of the Sofia Boys Choir:

or this of the Angelite Choir…

and not

What amused me was that in one of the songs they performed they started to sing parts of  “Sex Machine by James Brown“… WTF ?! This is a church choir, god damned!

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A gift I didn’t ask for …

Posted by admin on November 15, 2009 | No comments

I just got a new and rather unexpected gift… a book. Some of you might say this is not something as strange as it seems to me, but having the fact that i haven’t had the chance to read papper books lately this is an event..

The book’s called “Tractate for the hangover” (originally “Tratado Sombre la Resaca”). Funny, huh ?! The author is Juan Bas. Actually, this book seems to be one of those books which you read for 1 night.

Cubierta Tratado sobre la resaca 1traktat-za-mahmurluka-huan-bas

Girls, look what i found out – i just randomly opened the book on a page and i can read the comparison between how women and men assimilate alchohol.

Sex. Women assimilate alchohol worse then men. They get drunk faster and in general suffer more from hangover. Their liver produces less of the dehydrogenazys enzym and their bodies contain less water. From the liquors the best thing for women to drink is… beer.

Actually, it seems like this is the only advantage that men have in the whole hangovering-story theme.

That’s it from me today.. Happy hangovering :)

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